Powers of Attorney
Appoints an Agent, someone who is authorized to basically step into your shoes to manage your day to day affairs. This typically includes handling financial transactions, legal matters, and providing for your future and your family.
In Florida these powers are granted to the Agent as soon as you sign the document. This is designed to prevent any delays in taking action on your behalf- for example, waiting for the courts to determine whether you’re incapacitated and who your guardian should be.
The language in your Durable Power of Attorney is vital, especially in the event you need long-term care planning or Medicaid. Medicaid has been denying certain planning methods if an Agent is trying to qualify the Principle (you), but the Durable Power of Attorney does not specifically grant that power.
If you haven’t had your Durable Power of Attorney drafted, or if it’s been awhile since you have, give our office a call to ensure it includes the language needed to follow through with your plans.